Saturday, 22 August 2015

Save On Cost With Automated Meter Reading Billing Software

By Nancy Gardner

This can be referred to as the technology of mechanically collecting data related to consumption, status and diagnostic from automated devices such as water gauge and energy indicators, this data is then transmitted to central computer or database for trouble shooting and analyzing. The technology has been vastly used to save users the cost of having to travel to specific location to get meter readings. Automated meter reading billing software data is transmitted real time rather instead of using estimations and past data which may not convey accurate information.

This real time data which is then processed to produce meaningful information can be helpful to utility providers and their clients, this is because they can control production and consumption of gas usage and production, water consumption and production and consumption of electric energy.

The first type is the handheld device which is a computerized gadget used record the gauge status and transmitting the data back to central station for analyzing. There is a host computer that uses various software to manipulate data into useful information.

Some of these automated devices are touch based devices which is simultaneously used together with handheld device. It has probe which when it come into contact with any meter it can automatically take the reading, record them in a laptop which then transmits the data collected to a central station.

Another way of data transmission is through the use of power line. This method enables electronic data to be sent through power line to a nearby substation, and then the substation transmits the data back to the central computer located in main office. This is a fixed network.

There exist other advanced that call for special indicators and hardware, these are touch and read where the reader uses a wand to touch the meter and it records automatically. The other one is radio and read where signal is sent directly to wand or laptop and it records meter reading.

Some companies dealing in software have the capacity to read energy meter for purposes of management and billing. This software performs functions such as energy management and billing, configuring energy meters and enables web access.

These programs can be helpful for tenant billing. Such programs are used together with reading systems that are automatic for entirely automated billing. Manual gauge readers can be used to create invoices. They allow for several rates to be used simultaneously to different users. That is minimum charges, tax rates and fixed rates based on amount of kilowatts consumed.

These meter readers have solved the problem of gauge readers having to travel many miles to the said location to get indicator reading. The system saves money through efficient and effective reading of meter, it has reduced the liability and riskiness of meter readers from entering homes and other private properties.

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