While car GPS units usually work flawlessly, occasionally you might experience problems with your car GPS satellite reception. It can be frustrating; especially when you need to get somewhere and your unit won't lock onto a signal. If the GPS is your only source of direction, things become even more frustrating. If you can't get your GPS unit to lock onto a signal, try these simple steps to get reception.
GPS receivers need to lock onto a satellite to work. Satellites are always in motion and your GPS must find the satellite first to lock onto it. Some receivers have preprogrammed orbital data that predicts where the satellite will be at any given time, making it easier for the unit to access the signal.
Another problem that some units have is when you don't use them for a few days it takes awhile for them to find the signal again. Sometimes the reception is just plain bad. You might be in a canyon or another situation where the signal is blocked. If you try to get a signal while your car is already moving, you might run into problems too.
If your journey is going to take you through a series of tall buildings or thick concrete structures, it is a good idea to use a signal booster. These devices can help keep your GPS signal strong even when surrounded by large-scale obstacles.
This is very important, since a unit searching for GPS satellites will use more batter than ones that are already connected. Also, loss of a connection can mean that your GPS will lose your location. At best, this can mean your GPS unit will think you are in the wrong area, and will give you poor directions. At worst, this means your GPS unit will completely fail to lead you in a reliable manner.
Following these simple steps is the best way to make sure that your GPS signal stays strong no matter where your travels take you. Also, keep in mind that if you plan to be in unfamiliar territory, it is a good idea to keep a paper map of the area in your glove box as a backup in case anything goes wrong with your GPS unit.
About the Author:
Yaha Jones works with a GPS Review Site that educates users about the various benefits associated with different GPS. For a quick sample watch this short video about the: Garmin Nuvi 2475LT. Here is another sample video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wldzjV2H6_Y.
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